Hope at Home: Bringing Hearts of Hope Family Grief Camp to where you are.

Dear Friends, 

A week ago, we made the difficult decision to postpone our spring Hearts of Hope Family Grief Camp. Though we know this was the right decision, we also recognize that not having camp leaves a gap in the lives of the families and volunteers who were looking forward to attending. 

That’s why right now, until we see each other at Camp, we are launching “Hope at Home,” a series of in-home programs for grieving families. Hope at Home will feature some of the highlights of what we do at Hearts of Hope Family Grief Camp, as well as other material that we think can be fun, helpful and informative. 

Content will include short how-to videos for arts and crafts projects; mindfulness, yoga and relaxation instruction; informative presentations on various topics; and interviews with experts. 

While the presentations will generally be around 15 minutes, some will be shared “live” so that you can interact with the presenter by asking questions or making comments. These live presentations may last up to half an hour. 

We’re calling this series, “Hope at Home” because we recognize that especially for those grieving the death of a loved one, the uncertainty over the present situation leaves us feeling overwhelmed and isolated. Hope at Home will bring Hearts of Hope Family Grief Camp to where you are, help you connect with others who may be feeling the same way, and share activities, ideas and information that will help you feel hopeful. 

We will post a new Hope at Home presentation every Monday and Thursday afternoon, starting on Monday, March 23.. Look for details on our Facebook community page https://www.facebook.com/CGCMN

To go directly to YouTube to see this series, click here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8zIkNWZemI6DlA8nzY4d8n5uhljxnFu-


Our first presenter, Morgan Lekander, is an early childhood educator certified in trauma-informed care. Morgan will be completing her degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater. Her training has helped her gain a deep understanding of childhood development and developmentally appropriate practice. 

Morgan writes: “My presentation will cover the topic of worry and related emotions using a children’s story. My presentation can be replicated at home with your child and will offer some tips to help your child feel in control during an uncontrollable time.” 

Welcome to the Children’s Grief Connection Community and Hope at Home. 

Children’s Grief Connection Staff: Alex Treitler, Jessica Moujouros, Melanie Bexell

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